Saturday, November 30, 2013

Canon is interested in printing books - Graphiline

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This event dedicated to the publishing and printing of books, became interested in the issues in this area and the latest technologies available.

While the book trade continues to suffer in France, with the closure of the Virgin brand and bankruptcy Chapter bookstores, book printing paper is an area that never ceases to interest builders printing machines.

In this respect, the conference was held in late November in Poing near Munich (Bavaria), at the initiative of Canon, the giant of photography and office to promote the latest technologies aimed printing developed by Océ, a subsidiary of Canon, in the field of book.

particular its digital presses Océ JetStream 5500 Océ VarioPrint 6000, Canon imagePRESS, Océ VarioPrint 6000 Océ ColorStream 3700 but

a question on the lips of participants: What are the major challenges and major future trends in this field


Peter Wolff, Sales Manager Europe printing said on this occasion Graphiline “ This event dedicated to the publishing and printing of books was very interesting and allowed participants to discover The portfolio of high performance digital printing systems Canon solutions in all its diversity. offer absolute flexibility to publishers and book printers, which may well have shorter runs, a delivery just-in-time content customized and improved profitability. “

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