Health / form Posted 26/06/2013 7:25
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“I was always struggling to keep departures in cyclosportives. I split almost all outputs for variations in rhythm, I am able to follow the second pack but I aim to manage departures. How method can you advise me? “
put on the account of the difficult start your preparation. But the key lies perhaps more here at the warm-up.
In terms of preparation, development sessions LDCs are essential to be able to get a good start. Because it is the first few minutes of running that will allow the best to take the lead, if not take off if the start is rough. Reduce your PMA, the higher you will be able to maintain a high intensity until the platoons are emerging.
HoweverThe central question seems to be at the warm up. A good protocol to rev up gradually is essential if you want to keep in touch with the best. Because it will require a quarter-hour at a much higher intensity anaerobic threshold.
Example protocol: 10 minutes very flexible, muscle toning + 10 minutes + 5 minutes endurance gradual acceleration to race pace + 5 minutes + 5 minutes soft 90-95% PMA (simulation start) + 5 minutes flexible with three sprints of 10 to 20 seconds.
If it is not always easy to implement, especially in the mountains, it guarantees efficiency when the first shots pedaling cycling event.
We discussed the preparation, heating, nevertheless, however there are other avenues to explore:
• if you follow the second squad is perhaps simply because it is pack your level. If you hold all costs in the first squad and you literally explode later it is possible that you can not even hang over the second pack!
• if your race starts are always difficult then perhaps we eat it earlier so that your digestion does not interfere with your event: the three-hour rule is important, if not consume products of the effort that the advantage of limiting the digestive work (lunch cream, sport cake .. .)
Benedict Valque –
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