According to the website Buzzfeed, specializing in the most unlikely as each other rankings, Gilles Demailly, mayor of Amiens is one of the 50 most French politicians “guns.”
- By Jennifer Alberts
- Published 17/12/2013 | 5:01 p.m.
© France 3 Picardie
Gilles Demailly is exactly this ranking 27th in its ranks politicians like Hervé Morin, Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice or Claude Bartolone, President of the National Assembly .
ranking monopolized by the new generation of French politicians as listed in order from 1st to 5th place Baroin, Vincent Peillon (a little Picard anyway right?!), Arnaud Montebourg Laurent Wauquiez and David Assouline.
Gilles Demailly stands in front and behind Malek Boutih Jean-Louis Borloo.
Since Buzzfeed specializes in rankings as strange as “the most bizarrres animals 2013 “or” 21 things that those who do not like “Harry Potter” are tired of hearing, “one wonders how Gilles Demailly must take it!
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